{Disarmed} Huawei browser app receives new security and data protection functions []

Huawei browser

Huawei has released a new update for its Huawei browser that has the latest system and security functions for this web browsing application on board. The latest security features of the Huawei browser include the URL reporting function, manual ad blocking and many other functions that ensure a safer user experience.

Huawei has now also managed to pack the update package into a smaller size for a quick download. The changelog has listed some exciting features for those who use Huawei's browser.

Huawei Browser Changelog

  • Adding the ability to report URLs
  • Adding statistics and viewing privacy and security data at the website level
  • Support for the manual blocking of web ads feature
  • Support users in deleting used fast applications
  • Integration of the latest security patches

The update is 73.9 MB and is now available for download in the Huawei Gallery.

Huawei Central

The article Huawei browser app receives new security and data protection functions [] first appeared on xiaomist's blog .

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