{Disarmed} Google: Two-factor authentication automatically activated for 150 million accounts

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By the end of this year, Google plans to automatically activate two-factor authentication for over 150 million accounts. Then logging into Google will take a little longer, but it is much more secure. If you have not yet activated it yourself, you can still change this manually in your settings. At the latest by the end of the year, Google will do that for you.

With two-step authentication, also known as 2FA, an additional confirmation is requested in addition to the password when logging into the Google account. Various options are available for this, from receiving an SMS to an e-mail with a confirmation link. Google itself recommends using another registered device.

You will then be asked to confirm your registration. This means that every time you log in to your Google account with your data, you will then in future receive a request to confirm that it is really you who are logging in.

That's how I do it and you should set it up quickly, if not already done. Of course, not only Google offers 2FA registration, but many other providers. For your own safety, you should always set this type of login. And if you don't want to / can't remember all passwords, you can also use a password manager and authentication manager.


The article Google: Two-factor authentication automatically activated for 150 million accounts first appeared on xiaomist's blog .

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