{Disarmed} Exciting Samsung Galaxy Z Fold Note concept with an unusual hybrid design and S Pen

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold Note Render

An exciting new Samsung Galaxy Z Fold Note concept now shows a foldable smartphone with an unusual hybrid design, and of course the S Pen. It has a foldable external display that wraps around the hinge and a dedicated S Pen slot. It doesn't look like the current Galaxy Z Fold 3 or the Galaxy Note 20 Ultra, but it tries to combine both worlds in unusual ways. But will it ever appear?

The render images and the video were created by Technizo Concept based on a Samsung patent application discovered by LetsGoDigital. It looks like the so-called Samsung Galaxy Z Fold Note uses a single foldable exterior display instead of a dual display configuration.

This leads to some unusual design features, such as the rear display, which is extremely narrow even compared to the Z Fold 3's cover display. The S Pen slot is not easily accessible, more specifically, it is not accessible at all when the Galaxy Z Fold Note is folded. It is wedged between the two sides of the phone and can only be removed after opening the device.

This design is based on a patent application filed last year. And like many other patents, it doesn't have to mean that we will really see such a smartphone from Samsung at some point. But wait and see.

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The post Exciting Samsung Galaxy Z Fold Note Concept with Unusual Hybrid Design and S Pen first appeared on xiaomist's blog .

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