{Disarmed} Corona warning app 2.12: These innovations are to be expected

Corona warning app

The Corona Warning App 2.11 has just been released and can now be installed, so we already know what new features can be expected in the next version 2.12. The first information about the upcoming version of the warning app has now been published on Github. But there doesn't seem to be much that is new.

The changes in the new version 2.12 of the Corona warning app will not be quite as extensive. A number of known bugs are fixed and a few small but nice innovations are rolled out. The changelog shows us what to expect.

Corona warning app 2.12 Changelog

  • Adds universal QR code scanner to the tab bar
    • Avoids multiple openings in the scanner
    • FAB color
  • Adjusts the info screen to announce new release features for 2.12
  • Revision of the notification management
    • Introduces delta notifications
    • Create jams for notification settings on / off
    • Linking app notification settings + screenshots
  • Root detection & user information
  • New statistics cards

The new statistics then include the 7-day incidence of hospitalization and the number of people with COVID-19 in intensive care units. The "universal scanner" will then also be visible in the lower navigation bar for direct access.


The article Corona-Warn-App 2.12: These innovations are to be expected first appeared on xiaomist's blog .

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