{Disarmed} Corona warning app 2.11 available now

Corona warning app

The new version of the Corona warning app is now available. Version 2.11 was announced a few days ago and is now available for download and installation. In version 2.11 the QR code scanner of the app was revised a little and can now scan and process all supported documents (test, vaccination and recovery certificates, PCR tests, quick tests and check-ins at events).

So far, users could only use the respective QR code scanner for their specific purpose, for example under "Check-in" to scan a QR code for an event or under "Certificates" to add vaccination, recovery or test certificates. The universal QR code scanner now enables users to use a QR code scanner to scan all QR codes supported by the Corona Warning app at any point within the app.

From version 2.11 you can import QR codes from images or PDF documents and no longer necessarily have to scan them with the camera. To do this, users can open a QR code scanner in the Corona warning app (for example under the "Check-in" tab). After tapping on "Scan QR code", from version 2.11 onwards, you can select "Open file" at the bottom left and import a QR code from your image or file library. The Corona warning app reads the QR code on the picture or file and saves the certificate, test or event depending on the type of QR code in the corresponding area of ​​the Corona warning app. This function is available for iOS users with version 2.12 of the Corona warning app.

Version 2.11 will be rolled out to all users step by step over a period of 48 hours. iOS users can now download the current app version manually from the Apple store. The Google Play Store does not offer the option to initiate a manual update. The new version of the Corona warning app will be available here within the next 48 hours.

Corona warning app (free, Google Play) →

Corona warning app (free, App Store) →


The article Corona-Warn-App 2.11 now available appeared first on xiaomist's blog .

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