{Disarmed} Android 12 officially brings back the dessert names with "Snow Cone"

Android 12 Snow Cone

Google finally released the final version of Android 12 for the Android Open Project on Monday after several months of developer previews and beta builds were published. While the update added a number of new features for the platform, Google also officially revealed the name of the dessert: Snow Cone.

Dave Burke, Google's vice president of engineering for Android, confirmed the official dessert name for the latest version of Android on Monday.

The move marks a significant turning point after Google abandoned the use of dessert names as brand names for every major version of Android with the introduction of Android 10 in 2019. Since then, each major version of the operating system has been named simply by its numerical order.

However, subsequent versions of Android still had dessert-inspired names, but they were only used internally. Android 11, for example, was apparently called "Red Velvet Cake". However, this isn't the first time we've heard of Snow Cone. The name of the dessert first appeared in February when the internal name for Android 12 was leaked.

In addition to the return of the tidbit name, Android 12 also brings a number of improvements such as dynamic themes, updated widgets, and improved privacy settings. The main feature is of course the new Material You design language and the dynamic design.


The article Android 12 officially brings back the dessert names with "Snow Cone" first appeared on xiaomist's blog .

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