{Disarmed} Amazon Prime Video: It s another long film weekend for 99 cents

Amazon Prime Video

At Amazon Prime Video this weekend it is again: Long film weekend. You can rent films again for less than 1 euro. There should be something for everyone, luckily the tastes are different. Let's see if there is something exciting this time?

Nothing really stands out for me from the 30 films on offer this time, I will skip the film weekend this time. There are also no real hits, a lot of average goods. Do you have to see if there is the right one for you.

You have 30 days to watch the film after purchasing it. After the start, there are still 48 hours in which you can see the selected film to the end.

Click here for the action films

The prerequisite is of course that you have a paid Amazon Prime membership. This costs EUR 7.99 per month. You can also test the offer for 30 days free of charge. The free trial membership does not oblige you to anything.

The article Amazon Prime Video: It's a long film weekend again for 99 cents first appeared on xiaomist's blog .

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