Best Steve Jobs Quotes: “Oh wow. Oh wow Oh wow. "

Best Steve Jobs Quotes:

Ten years ago today, the legendary Apple co-founder Steve Jobs died far too early. In the 56 years of his life he influenced countless people, created and revolutionized entire industries, and said some remarkable things. We once put together the most beautiful Steve Jobs quotes.

"Was Orwell right about 1984?"
Steve Jobs asked this rhetorical question in 1983 at the keynote speech for the Apple IIc launch in San Francisco. The famous commercial followed, in which the smashing of the IBM empire is shown in dystopian images.

"Your jaws will fall down"
Jobs promised this in the New York Times in November 1989, referring to the first NeXT computer. The computer, which was extremely advanced for the time, was to be the world's first web server and start the world's first browser in the following year under the supervision of Tim Berners Lee.

"If we make any mistake and IBM wins, I believe we'll be spending the next twenty years in the computing era."
Jobs commented on the rivalry between IBM and Apple that prevailed in the 1970s and 1980s.

Apple's Official Tribute Video for Steve Jobs:

"Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugar water or do you want to change the world?"
With these words Jobs is said to have persuaded the then president of Pepsi, John Sculley, to work for Apple. This is what Sculley himself reports in his book Odyssey: Pepsi to Apple - the Journey of a Marketing Impresario.

"For me, computers are like a bicycle for the brain."
This comparison, somewhat strange at first glance, goes back to an earlier observation by Steve Jobs. He read a scientific article that compared the locomotion efficiency of different species.

Bears versus chimpanzees, raccoons and so on. People were there too. According to the study, the condor consumed the least amount of energy per kilometer traveled.

Humans were somewhere pretty far down as an inefficient "locomotive machine". But people on a bicycle were also measured and this value was way ahead of that of the condor. Jobs was deeply impressed by this realization and should even form the basis of a commercial.

"I had a little over a million dollars when I was 23, over 10 million at 24, and over 100 million at 25 and it didn't matter because I didn't do it for the money."
A quote from the documentary "Triumph of the Nerds", which was broadcast on US television in 1996.

"The only problem with Microsoft is that they have no taste."
Another sentence from "Triumph of the Nerds", from which this quote also comes:

"We always shamelessly stole great ideas." "We made the buttons look so good, you'll want to lick them off."
This is how Jobs described the new user interface Aqua in OS X in 2000.

"I would trade all of my technology with Socrates for an afternoon."
Jobs on the ideal of the supportive teacher who gives his students the freedom to be creative themselves.

"There are sneakers that cost more than an iPod."
In defense of the comparatively high price ($ 300) for an MP3 player in 2003.

"I'm the only person I know who lost a quarter of a billion dollars in a year - that's good for character."
From Apple Confidential 2.0: The Definitive History of the World's Most Colorful Company: The Real Story of Apple Computer, Inc.

"Pixar is the most technically advanced creative company. Apple is the most creative tech company. "
In 2005, Jobs described "his" two businesses in Fortune magazine.

"This phone will only have one button. Find out how. " Steve thought all cell phones were way too complicated. If Apple builds a smartphone, it will be a simple one, that is the motto. The developers received the above instructions, although they insisted that one button was not enough. You should be right, the iPhone has two buttons and a volume rocker, but the default must have kept you from making more of it.

The quote comes from the book "Steve Jobs iLeadership" by Jay Elliot and William L. Simon, which we have already presented elsewhere.

"I earn 50 cents for being present, another 50 cents for good performance."
In 2007, Jobs told shareholders that his annual salary was exactly one dollar.

"And one more thing ..."
The infamous introduction to the end of a product presentation that announces the icing on the cake of the event. In the past, Apple showed the Power Mac G4 Cube, the iPod video, the Unibody MacBook Pro and iTunes Match in this way.

"Oh wow. Oh wow Oh wow. "
Steve's last words as handed down to his sister Mona Simpson. He spoke it a few hours before his death, after looking first at his relatives, his wife and children, and then over their shoulders into the void.


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