Apple Watch vs. Rolex: There is a new winner

Apple Watch vs. Rolex: There is a new winner

How can you compare an Apple Watch to a luxurious Rolex? We don't, but we do a very specific group of customers. They are now choosing a new winner in the unequal popularity contest. Who will win?

Teenagers may not be a species of their own, but they do have their own opinions and ideas. Last but not least, they are also expressed in your purchasing behavior and understanding of the brand. A new study among young people from the USA is currently giving us insights into this (source: Piper Sandler via MacRumors). A total of 10,000 teenagers from 44 US states with an average age of 15.8 years were surveyed.

Apple Watch More Popular Than Rolex: The Opinion of US Teens

Exciting: Even last year, the Swiss manufacturer "Rolex" was the number 1 watch brand for young people in the USA, although it was probably also irrespective of whether one could afford such a watch. This popularity has changed, because now the Apple Watch conquers the hearts of adolescents. Apple's smartwatch successfully overthrows Rolex from the throne. Actually, 30 percent of teenagers currently own an Apple Watch. Apple has a smartwatch market share of 86 percent with these customers. It is also interesting that a full 15 percent are still planning to buy an Apple Watch.

The iPhone manufacturer continues its triumphant advance with the new Apple Watch 7. We find out what it can do in the video :

Not surprisingly, Apple is still popular in the field of smartphones. To say it in advance: Android phones have no chance for young people in the USA. 87 percent of those surveyed already have an iPhone and 88 percent are planning to buy an Apple mobile phone as their next smartphone. Ergo: Nobody is seriously switching from the iPhone, in fact Apple's influence is still growing a bit. Worth mentioning: 20 percent of the US teenagers surveyed also own an iPhone 12, 22 percent plan to purchase an iPhone 13 within the year.

Facebook? Get away from me ...

Just as exciting: Although cash is still unbeaten, Apple Pay is already following as the most popular payment method. This is also an important achievement for Apple. Facebook, on the other hand, can pack up , they don't even make it into the top 3 favorite social media platforms. Instead, Snapchat wins (35 percent share), followed by TikTok (30 percent) and Instagram (22 percent).

Funny in the truest sense of the word: actor and comedian Adam Sandler is the number 1 celebrity among American teenagers . What is astonishing at first, may be explained in the end by the similarly stored humor - so an assumption.


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