Apple Watch 7: Smartwatch escaped and photographed

Apple Watch 7: Smartwatch escaped and photographed

Apple had already shown the Apple Watch 7 to the world, but only staged it. In other words, they could only be seen on PR recordings, but not in "real". But now the smartwatch has escaped the manufacturer's clutches and was photographed under real conditions. What impression does this make?

In the meantime, Apple recently revealed details about the launch of the Apple Watch 7 - orders can be made from October 8th, and it will actually be delivered a week later on October 15th. But until then there are still officially only press photos of the new Smartwatch. If this is not enough for the purchase decision, you can catch a glimpse of real photos (source: MacRumors).

Apple Watch 7: These pictures of the smartwatch are not from Apple

They appeared on a group of Apple Watch fans on Facebook. In the meantime, however, the images have already been removed, but the colleagues from MacRumors were able to save them in good time. Apparently they come from the circle of a mobile operator who tests the Apple Watch Series 7 before it goes on sale. At least that is the claim of the person who circulated the photos.

In the pictures, we now get a first, realistic impression of the Apple Watch 7, clearly beyond the euphemistic advertising aesthetics. The grown display is easy to see. Instead of the previously suspected flat-edged design, the curves remain. These are now even more pronounced in the display, because the screen content is visibly slightly curved at the edges - nothing is angular here . Looks exciting, but whether that benefits visibility at the end of the day? There is still a dispute about this, because especially in the upper display area, a few pixels could move out of the field of view.

In this video , the manufacturer stages the new Apple Watch 7:

German acquisition price of the Series 7 now known

In terms of prices, Apple is now also based on its predecessor in this country. At least the purchase price of 429 euros for the smallest model was confirmed in the course of the announcement of the start of sales for Germany. Further price information for all other models of the Apple Watch 7 will certainly follow on Friday when the order starts. Due to the demand and alleged production difficulties, longer delivery times can be expected soon.


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