Xiaomi improves the Xiaomi Cloud interface making it easier to use

In addition to having renewed certain aspects of the Security application , Xiaomi has been improving the interface of other MIUI functionalities. In this case, it was the turn of Xiaomi Cloud , becoming simpler and easier to use.

As they tell us from MIUIes, Xiaomi has renewed the user interface of Xiaomi Cloud , that is, of its cloud, incorporating more minimalist design lines and according to the icons that we will probably end up seeing in MIUI 13 .

In itself, this renewal is integrated along with the latest MIUI Closed Beta, specifically V29.9.1, which for now is only intended for the Chinese ROM, but which we may soon end up seeing in the MIUI Global ROM.

Xiaomi mejora la interfaz de Xiaomi Cloud volviéndola más fácil de usar. Noticias Xiaomi A
New Xiaomi Cloud interface

In addition, Xiaomi has also renewed the user interface of its mail application , making it much more minimalist and easy to use, maintaining its essence but with the new icons that the company has been integrating into its other applications.

Xiaomi mejora la interfaz de Xiaomi Cloud volviéndola más fácil de usar. Noticias Xiaomi A
Redesign of the Xiaomi Mail application

As we said, small aesthetic changes that are likely to be given in the face of its transition to MIUI 13 , a new version that we would see before the end of this 2021 and that apparently will have a major facelift, as well as a massive correction of errors.

The entry Xiaomi improves the Xiaomi Cloud interface making it easier to use was published first in xiaomist: Xiaomi news and news website .


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