WhatsApp: vulnerability in multi-device support is fixed

WhatsApp: vulnerability in multi-device support is fixed

WhatsApp recently released a new function with which you can use the messenger on up to five devices at the same time. It is now known that WhatsApp will remove one of the major drawbacks of this feature.

WhatsApp will soon be usable on several smartphones at the same time

For some time now, it has been possible to join the multi-device beta on WhatsApp. Users can already use the messenger on several devices at the same time. So far it has been the case that you have to use a smartphone as the main device . In addition, you can then, for example, activate a tablet and desktop PC and receive the same messages everywhere via one account. It is now known that this strict requirement will soon be removed.

The WhatsApp experts from WABetaInfo have now learned that smartphones can also be activated for additional use with a number in the future. In the end, this means that you can use a main smartphone to activate and use a second smartphone with the same WhatsApp number , even though the second smartphone has a different cell phone number. So you would not be so strictly bound by the previous rule with a smartphone and four additional devices.

These tips and tricks will help you get the most out of WhatsApp:

WhatsApp: change in development

The somewhat relaxed use of the multi-device function is currently under development. It is not known whether WhatsApp activates the relaxation right at the start of the function or whether you can only use a smartphone at first. WABetaInfo is currently talking about a version 2.0. Accordingly, the experts assume that the activation will only take place later .

The multi-device function can currently only be tested as a beta. If you want to use WhatsApp on several devices at the same time, you have to expect problems. Apps for Android tablets and the iPad are also missing. Only then would the function have great added value.


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