The funds carousel returns to MIUI: so you can activate it on your Xiaomi

After its disappearance a few years ago, Xiaomi has re-integrated the wallpaper carousel into MIUI . A very interesting functionality, very similar to the Glance mode , which allows us to dynamically personalize our smartphone.

You have probably received a small change in the lock screen of your Xiaomi these days: an icon in the shape of a flower . It is the carousel of funds, which again offers us incredible images and exciting stories with which to personalize your Xiaomi, Redmi or POCO.

After activating the funds carousel on your Xiaomi, it will begin to show all kinds of funds on the lock screen, which will be exchanged dynamically . But it does not finish here. Each of these funds has its own story . Simply by clicking on the small text that will appear at the top (under the clock) we can access the detailed content.

How to activate or deactivate the carousel of funds on your Xiaomi

The funds carousel returns to MIUI: so you can activate it on your Xiaomi. News Xiaomi

Activating or deactivating the carousel of funds on your Xiaomi is very simple. For this, it will be enough to achieve these steps:

  1. Go to Settings> Always-on screen and Lock screen
  2. Once inside, all you have to do is enter the Wallpaper Carousel option to activate or deactivate them.

In addition to this process, we can also activate the wallpaper carousel from the lock screen itself . By sliding your finger to the right we can access this mode that will provide us with incredible images and quite surprising stories on a daily basis.

The entry The funds carousel returns to MIUI: so you can activate it on your Xiaomi was published first in xiaomist: Xiaomi news and news website .


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