Smartphone bestseller on Amazon: One model of the iPhone 13 is the surprise hit

Smartphone bestseller on Amazon: One model of the iPhone 13 is the surprise hit

For a few days now, all four versions of the iPhone 13 can also be ordered from Amazon. A model of the new Apple smartphone is now a real surprise hit.

Even if Amazon's smartphone bestseller list (view on Amazon) is neither representative nor suitable for general statements, the snapshot of the world's largest online shop is more than just of interest. So how is Apple's latest prank being received by customers, what tendencies can currently be deduced?

iPhone 13 hits Amazon: The mini will be the new hit

First of all : All four models of the iPhone 13 currently make it into the top 10. However, first place in the list is occupied by the iPhone 11, which is now an even cheaper classic. But it is followed by the iPhone 13 Pro. Ergo: As in earlier days, the top models initially dominate after the launch. Because even the iPhone 13 Pro Max is positioned ahead of the two standard variants.

But now the surprise follows: The iPhone 13 mini is 5 positions in front of the normal iPhone 13 . Nobody would have expected that, not even Apple. There are one or two points that could explain this surprise hit in the end.

1. The iPhone 13 mini is really good now. The biggest point of criticism, namely the weak battery, was finally eliminated. In the latest battery stress test, it was even found that the iPhone 13 mini lasts longer than an iPhone 12 from the previous year. Unlike in 2020, there is a real purchase recommendation for the new iPhone mini.

There are four models of the iPhone 14, in the video we give one or the other purchase recommendation:

2. The price. The iPhone 13 mini not only has a much better battery, it is also still the cheapest model in the current series (from 799 euros, check it out on Amazon). Particularly noteworthy: With the standard 128 GB instead of the previous 64 GB, the small hand flatterer is even more economical in terms of figures.

3. Availability: In contrast to the other models, Amazon can currently deliver many versions of the iPhone 13 mini directly from stock. Of course, people like to grab it and here and there maybe prefer the "dwarf" to a larger, non-available standard model.

Waiting for the first discount campaigns

The bottom line is an exciting snapshot. It will also be exciting to see how customers' buying behavior will change over the next few weeks. As expected, sooner or later the standard model will triumph. At the latest when the "early adopters" have all taken advantage of the pros, enough goods are available and there are initial discounts for price-sensitive buyers. Then the hour strikes for the actual "mass model".


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