PS5 with Fifa & 2nd controller: o2 significantly improves bundle offer

PS5 with Fifa & 2nd controller: o2 significantly improves bundle offer

The PS5 was sold out at o2 for a long time, now the mobile phone retailer has consoles in stock again and is also adding a 100 euro bonus. You get the Playstation 5 in a bundle with a second controller and a 20 GB mobile phone contract for 43 euros a month. We did the math and revealed whether the offer is worth it.

PS5 + 2nd controller + cell phone tariff at o2

The PlayStation 5 is now available again at o2 with the "Free M" tariff and this time there are two bundles to choose from, with and without a drive:

PS5 Digital Edition + 2nd controller + Allnet / SMS-Flat with 20 GB 5G / LTE (300 Mbit / s) for 42.99 euros per month PS5 Disc Edition + 2nd controller + Fifa 22 + Allnet / SMS-Flat with 20 GB 5G / LTE (300 Mbit / s) for 49.99 euros per month

The special thing about both offers is that you can secure an additional 100 Euro change bonus when you take your number with you. The 100 euros are granted as a monthly discount in installments of 20 × 5 euros on the basic fee. This promotion is only valid until September 30th and PS5 consoles are only available in limited numbers .

An overview of the details of the "o2 Free M" tariff

Network: o2 20 GB LTE / 5G data volume (max. 300 Mbit / s) Allnet and SMS flat rate EU roaming including 24 months minimum term, 3 months notice

The console bundle is also available for 5 euros more per month with the "o2 Free M Boost " and 40 GB LTE / 5G data volume as well as the option of using the tariff on several devices at the same time ("Connect option").

o2 currently specifies a delivery time of 3 weeks for the PS5. Note, however, that the offer sold out very quickly last time . At all other dealers, the NextGen console is still completely out of stock, check the current availability here:

How the PS5 performs compared to the Xbox Series X, you can find out in the video:

PS5 in the tariff bundle: These costs await you

The following calculation example applies to the offer with the PS5 Disc Edition + 2nd controller + Fifa 22 with "o2 Free M" tariff:

One-time payment for the PS5: 1 euro Basic monthly fee for the o2 tariff with 20 GB: 24 × 49.99 euros One-time connection fee: 39.99 euros Shipping costs: 4.99 euros Total costs over 24 months contract period: 1,245.74 euros

PS5 with O2 Free-M contract: is the offer worth it?

Let's get the calculator out: The PS5 Disc Edition costs 499.99 euros - at least in theory, because it is currently sold out everywhere. The second controller currently costs at least around 60 euros, as does the "Fifa 22" game. If you subtract these values ​​from the total costs over a 24-month contract period, exactly 625.75 euros remain for the tariff. That corresponds to around 26 euros per month for an all-network and SMS flat rate with 20 GB LTE / 5G data volume. The normal price for the "o2 Free M" tariff is 29.99 euros per month - in this way, a good deal, especially since the 100 euros change bonus for number portability is not even included.

In any case, do not forget to cancel in good time. If you don't, the contract will automatically be extended for another year. The basic fee is reduced to 29.99 euros (Free M) or 34.99 euros (Free M Boost) from the 25th month.


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