Post & DHL: These functions make the app a useful helper

Post & DHL: These functions make the app a useful helper

The new app from Deutsche Post and DHL is a good year old and has been enriched by a few functions since the restart. Buying stamps directly on your smartphone and using them immediately is no problem. However, there are some rather inconspicuous functions that make the Post & DHL app even more practical - and soon even become indispensable.

Anyone who uses the Post & DHL app knows many of its advantages: Nowadays, many people no longer have the mandatory supply of stamps on hand when they need one. The app solves the problem with online purchases and a numeric code. If you have to send a rare but important letter quickly, you have everything you need.

Online franking and address book import: these functions make Post & DHL everyday helpers

But what can the Deutsche Post and DHL app do besides mobile stamps? First of all: What works with letters also works for parcels. The digital parcel label cannot simply be transferred to the parcel itself using a code, but you save paper and printing costs if you simply show the QR code when posting. Of course, you can simply print it out yourself at home. If you don't want to or can't go to the branch, you can book a pick-up date for your shipment in the app (source: DHL).

Some of the most practical functions are only available for registered DHL customers, which you can get for free: For example, you can import your contacts from the local address book, including addresses, directly into the customer account and save yourself having to re-enter addresses that are often used in the future.

The 10 shipments integrated for all customers, which can be saved, managed and tracked in the app history, are increased to 100 for registered customers. There are also pick-up codes and push notifications about the shipment status . You can also forward this directly from the app.

Controversial compulsory apps will soon make Post & DHL indispensable

Post & DHL will soon make the latest function indispensable for many app users and DHL parcel customers. Because the app is mandatory for orders to the popular packing stations. For a few days now, it has been possible to collect shipments using the QR code in the app, and after a transitional phase it will replace the customer card. DHL has not communicated exactly when the time will come. However, the imminent compulsory app will not be well received by all DHL customers.

In Germany, DHL is facing more competition, we have compared some of the largest parcel services in the video :

If you use the Packstations often, you can also view locations directly in the app. This also applies to mailboxes, post offices or DHL shops, including opening times. Packstations also provide information on the current workload, i.e. whether free slots are available.


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