Pixel 6: Google is planning a real price-performance hit

Pixel 6: Google is planning a real price-performance hit

With the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro, Google is planning two really good high-end smartphones that can easily compete against the Galaxy S21 and iPhone 13. It has therefore been assumed that the prices are exorbitantly high. Exactly the opposite is the case. The smartphones are much cheaper than expected when it comes to a current leak.

Google Pixel 6: Prices expected from 649 euros

The latest leaks about the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro have raised concerns that the new high-end smartphones from Google will be really expensive. With the Pro model, one has assumed well over 1,000 euros if you look at the technical equipment. But the smaller Pixel 6 was also seen at over 800 euros. In other words, prices that the competition calls for products with similar features. This is not the case, according to This is Tech Today (watch it on YouTube).

The price of the Google Pixel 6 should only increase slightly compared to the Pixel 5. It should only cost 20 euros more and thus be offered for 649 euros . The Pixel 6 Pro has no predecessor and should start at 899 euros . This applies to the smallest memory variants with presumably 128 GB. There should be more storage for 50 or 100 euros.

At this price, the Pixel 6 Pro in particular would be a real price-performance hit in the high-end section . You get an excellent 120 Hz display, a brand new camera with periscope zoom, a big battery with quick charge function, a stylish design and the best Android operating system yet. But the Pixel 6 will also stir up the upper mid-range if the prices are really confirmed.

In the video you can see what awaits you with the Pixel 6:

Pixel 6: Google plans to launch soon

For Google, the Pixel 6 models have been the most important smartphones for years. You finally want to play with the big guys. According to the insider, the presentation of the two smartphones will take place on October 19th . The market launch should be on October 28th. The dates have not yet been officially confirmed by Google.


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