Nokia confirms Android tablet: the return is perfect

Nokia confirms Android tablet: the return is perfect

In addition to new cell phones, HMD Global would like to release a Nokia tablet soon. Now a first teaser has appeared, on which the Android tablet can at least partially be seen. Some details about the equipment have already been determined.

Nokia T20: Android tablet appears in the first picture

Smartphones and new editions of classic cell phones are no longer enough for HMD Global. A tablet will soon be added to the portfolio, as has been certain for a long time. The name is no longer a secret either, because after a leak, the Nokia T20 designation is considered secure. Now the manufacturer has shown a first teaser picture on which the Android tablet can be seen - at least from the side.

Strangely enough, the published picture does not focus on the tablet at all, but on the new edition of the Nokia 3310. This could be interpreted as an indication that manufacturer HMD Global is on a journey to the roots of Nokia . "Everything you expect from a Nokia mobile phone in a tablet," says the announcement (source: Nokia Mobile on Twitter).

What can we expect from the new Nokia tablet?

A high-end tablet that competes with Apple's iPads cannot be assumed for the Nokia T20. According to initial reports, the manufacturer is probably using a Unisoc chipset, which is supported by 4 GB of RAM. The storage space has so far been specified as only 64 GB. Android 11 is preinstalled in all probability. In addition to a pure WLAN variant, there should also be a mobile LTE version. On the other hand, a 5G tablet cannot be assumed.

In the video : How to find the right tablet.

The Nokia T20 is not the manufacturer's first tablet, as the first step was taken in 2015 with the Nokia N1 . The great success did not materialize, however. The presentation of the new Android tablet is expected on October 6th.


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