Microsoft, Amazon or BMW? This brand comes off worst among Germans

Microsoft, Amazon or BMW? This brand comes off worst among Germans

Which globally active brand does Twitter users suffer least from: Microsoft, Amazon, BMW, Apple or maybe a completely different one? This question is addressed by an evaluation of rave reviews, and for Germany the result is clear.

Large, globally known brands such as Apple, Amazon and Microsoft, but also those from other industries such as KFC, BMW, Volkswagen or Activision are often the subject of posts on social media platforms. RaveRewies has recognized that this also provides a picture of the mood and is presenting the most unpopular brands worldwide .

Amazon unpopular: No. 1 in Germany for sure

In Germany, Amazon "manages" it in first place (source: RaveReviews). The mail order company is - based on posts on Twitter - the brand that gets off worst among users in Germany. Exactly 50 percent of the examined tweets about Amazon express themselves negatively about the group. It is therefore considered to be the "most hated" in Germany, so it faces the most headwind online.

For the survey, RaveReviews evaluated tweets that relate to the 100 largest brands according to Google search volume . A software for speech analysis assigned a score to the tweets, the results -5 to -2 are rated as clearly negative. Their share was then expressed as a percentage of the total number of tweets per country for each brand. For example, Uber is number 1 in the USA, BMW "wins" in Denmark and Microsoft in the Czech Republic.

It is unclear why Amazon does poorly with Twitter users

The reasons for Amazon's inglorious first place in Germany have not been investigated. A few would be possible: In the past few months there have been reports of poor working conditions at the mail order company, FFP2 masks were not welcomed.

Also conceivable would be the accusations that are often made that the increasing online trade, in which Amazon has a large share, is bad for the environment and harms local retailers. Probably the negative aspects play together and thus explain Amazon's bad image on Twitter.

What you need to know about Amazon and its founder can be found in the video :

However, there is one aspect that must not be ignored: Twitter lives to a certain extent from extreme expressions. It is not for nothing that the social media platform makes a name for itself with so-called shit storms. When the mood is raised online from one direction, it's easy to jump up - and the attitude of Twitter users doesn't seem to harm Amazon's business.


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