{Disarmed} Telegram 8.1 released with new features

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Telegram 8.1 has been released and has new features on board. The new version allows you to set different color themes for individual chats, record video and audio during live broadcasts and display detailed read receipts in small groups.

Color themes in chats

Telegram offers numerous functions to organize your chats and customize their appearance. Starting with chat folders to animated backgrounds. In this update, coordination and decoration with new topics for individual chats come together.

Our designers have created eight themes that can be applied to a specific private chat. Each of the new color themes features colorful gradient message bubbles, animated backgrounds, and unique background patterns.

You and your chat partner can choose the color theme for both sides and make every conversation easily recognizable. This way you can set different color themes for chats with colleagues and family members so that you don't accidentally send the video to your boss again.

"To set a color theme for a chat, tap on the profile picture of the chat partner in a single chat on Android, ⋮ and select Change colors . With iOS it would be in the profile of the chat partner behind the "⋯" button. Your chat partner will see the color theme as soon as he or she is using the latest version of Telegram. "

Each color theme comes with a day and night version and follows your app's night mode settings.

These first eight color themes are just the beginning. Our designers are already working on adding many more.

Interactive emojis

We love animated emojis, but there are moments when even a big red beating heart (which makes your phone vibrate with every beat) just is n't enough to express your feelings.

With a little bit of code, a little bit of drawing, and a lot of dark magic, we've created a new kind of real-time emotional exchange. Send a single emoji in a one-on-one chat, then tap the animated emoji to trigger an effect in full screen mode.

When the two of you have opened the chat, the animations and vibrations on your devices will be played at the same time, so that you are close even when you are far away from each other.

"Your chat partner will only be able to see the effects if he or she is using the latest version of Telegram."

Our artists are already back in the dungeons and are working on new full screen effects for more animated emoji.

Read receipts in small groups

Color chat themes and interactive emojis currently only work in one-on-one chats. This update also includes a major change for groups.

As you know, your messages in groups are marked as read (✓✓) as soon as a member has seen them. In small groups, you can now select your message to see which group members have read it.

"To protect the privacy of users, read receipts are only saved in groups for seven days after the message has been sent. It's not Telegram's business to save everything you've ever seen. "

Record live streams and video chats

Telegram can accommodate millions of communities that want to offer live events to an unlimited number of viewers. Whether it's a one-off concert or an everyday math lesson, owners and admins can now record live streams and video chats to share for those who missed the live event.

Owners and admins can start a recording directly from the live stream or video chat menu. The options are Video and Audio and Audio Only. For the video recording you choose an orientation for the later video file (portrait or landscape mode). After you have finished recording or broadcasting, the file will immediately be uploaded to what is saved in your chat.

„Tap on ⋮ or ⋯ to open the menu and start recording. During the recording, a red dot is visible next to the title. "


The article Telegram 8.1 with new features appeared first appeared on xiaomist's blog .

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