{Disarmed} Nokia’s new Android tablet will be unveiled on October 6th

Nokia Tablet Teaser

When you think of Nokia, you think of phones. The early 2000s were dominated by the Finnish manufacturer's models and it felt like everyone had such a device. Then came the big crash and a tentative attempt at a new beginning under Microsoft, which also failed. In the meantime, a license with new models has been more bad than cheap Android smartphones on the market in recent years.

But one market Nokia could really shine in is tablets, and it seems like the company intends to do just that. In a tweet, the company posted a picture of the Nokia 3310 next to a tablet. And the date was also revealed, October 6th should be the release date.

"Everything you would expect from a Nokia phone in a tablet" is the slogan of the teaser. And we can be curious and hope that not another mid-range or budget Android tablet will be presented. Because there are enough of them. Rather, a flagship Android tablet from Nokia would be a surprise.

But who knows, maybe Nokia will shock us all on October 6th and show something we don't expect. I am looking forward to what is to come. Wait and see.


The article Nokia's new Android tablet will be unveiled on October 6th first appeared on xiaomist's blog .

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