{Disarmed} Microsoft promises updates for the Surface Duo 2 for three years

Microsoft Surface Duo 2

Microsoft introduced the new Surface Duo 2 earlier this week. The new model is a huge upgrade over the original model. But what does Microsoft have in mind when it comes to software updates? Now the Redmond company has given us an answer.

"We are committed to providing operating system and security updates for three years," a Microsoft representative told the Android Authority in response to a question about the update requirements for the Surface Duo 2.

This means that Microsoft's Surface Duo 2 is part of a wave of Android brands that are stepping up their operating system update efforts (e.g. Samsung, OnePlus, Oppo). Microsoft can't quite keep up with Samsung when it comes to security updates, as the Korean manufacturer has been offering security updates for four years, but the overall commitment is good news nonetheless.

Microsoft also confirmed to Android Authority that it is working to bring Android 11 to the first Surface Duo "before the end of this year". That's a little disappointing considering Android 12 is slated to hit the market in October.

Android Authority

The article Microsoft promises updates for the Surface Duo 2 for three years first appeared on xiaomist's blog .

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