{Disarmed} The latest from Twitter is a feature that blocks trolls for you: this is how "safe mode" works

The latest from Twitter is a feature that blocks trolls for you: this is how the

In its quest to make Twitter a healthier platform with fewer negative interactions , the company has announced a new feature called " safe mode ." In short, it is a system that will temporarily and automatically block accounts that use "potentially harmful language, such as insults or hateful comments, or those that send repetitive and unwanted responses or mentions."

At the moment, this feature will be available to a small group of users on iOS, Android and the web that use the app in English. It is not known when it will be launched for all users, but from Twitter they say that they will study the performance of the system to improve it and adjust it before doing so.

The Internet does not make you a troll. If you are an idiot online, you probably are also in person On Magnet The Internet does not make you a troll. If you are an idiot online, you probably are also in person

Automatic account lock

{"videoId":"x83wn5s","autoplay":false,"title":"Modo seguro en Twitter"}

How does "safe mode" work? As detailed from Twitter, when the user activates this function, the system evaluates the probability of a negative interaction by "considering both the content of the tweet and the relationship between the author of the tweet and the person who responds." Those accounts that the user follows or interacts with frequently will not be blocked.

When "safe mode" detects a potentially harmful profile, it will automatically lock it for seven days . That means that account will not be able to see our tweets , follow us or interact with us in any way. According to Twitter, the reason for launching this feature is to encourage people to have "healthy conversations."

Blocking "Safe Mode" on Twitter.

However, as it is an automatic process, the system may fail . Precisely for this reason, the user can see the autoblocks and undo them at any time. In the same way, you will be able to see the tweets marked by the "safe mode", as well as the details of each blocked account.

As we indicated previously, the "safe mode" will be available first for a small group of users in iOS, Android and Twitter Web that have the account configured in English. In the absence of knowing when it will reach all users, if it does, we will have to see how it works and how accurate this "safe mode" is.

More information | Twitter

The news The latest from Twitter is a function that blocks trolls for you: this is how the "safe mode" works was originally published in xiaomist.com by Jose García .

Web Bug from http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/xiaomist2/~4/SRPfNSE4cm8


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