{Disarmed} Google Pixel 6: Latest Leak Reveals Possible European Prices and Color Names

Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro Google Store New York

Google's Pixel 6 range is practically around the corner. The two new Google Phones should be presented in a few weeks. The latest leak now has possible prices for the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro in Europe, as well as some of the color names for us.

All the signs so far indicate that the Pixel 6 range will take a big step forward in terms of quality and performance compared to last year's Pixel 5. Rick Osterloh of Google himself also said that the Pixel 6 Pro "will certainly be a premium product." With this in mind, the pricing of the Pixel 6 series has been one of the most eagerly anticipated details of the two phones.

M. Brandon Lee of This is Tech Today has now found out some possible prices for the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro in Europe. According to reports, a model of the Pixel 6 is expected to cost EUR 649.00, while a model of the Pixel 6 Pro is to be sold for EUR 899.00.

The Pixel 5 started at EUR 629.00 in Europe. Despite the many improvements, the Pixel 6 series could only be marginally more expensive than last year's model. If the rumors are true, we should keep our feet still.

So far we have five different color versions of the two models seen - red, green, black, silver and gold. According to reports, the black and green color variants of the Pixel 6 are referred to as "carbon" and "fog" in the network operator's system. It is not clear whether these are the official names of Google or whether other names are used for them.

According to recent rumors, the Pixel 6 series will be announced on October 19th and be available a little over a week later, on October 28th.

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The post Google Pixel 6: Latest Leak Reveals Possible European Prices and Color Names first appeared on xiaomist's blog .

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