{Disarmed} Android 2.3.7 Gingerbread: Google finally ends support for old Android smartphones

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As part of its ongoing efforts to ensure user safety, Google will no longer allow logins on Android devices with Android 2.3.7 or older from September 27, 2021. If you want to log in to your device after September 27th, you will see an error message about your username or password.

Android Gingerbread was officially launched in December 2010. So now it has more than 1 decade under its belt. There were several versions from Android 2.3 to 2.3.7. So now the support is finally over. But it shouldn't really be surprising, because there has to be an end at some point.

How many users are still using Android 2.3.7 cannot really be said, there should still be a few, but probably not here in Germany. In the meantime, there are practically no apps that still actively support such an old software generation. There should have been problems in the last few months because apps could no longer be updated.

But what is still possible, you can still make calls with the phone - oh, what a miracle. But more shouldn't be possible then.


The article Android 2.3.7 Gingerbread: Google finally ends support for old Android smartphones first appeared on xiaomist's blog .

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