How to activate or turn off your Xiaomi simply by touching its screen

Among the multitude of options that MIUI offers us, we find the possibility of activating or turning off the terminal, simply by pressing twice on its screen . A functionality that gives us greater comfort when browsing the latest notifications or entering the system and that is also very simple to activate.

Thanks to this MIUI option, we can, for example, turn on the screen of our Xiaomi simply by pressing twice on it, a really interesting utility if, for example, we have the terminal resting on a table .

Similarly, we can also turn off the screen by pressing twice on it . While on the desktop, if you touch a free space twice consecutively, between the application icons, the screen of our Xiaomi will turn off automatically.

How to activate the option to press twice to activate or turn off the screen of your Xiaomi

Cómo activar o apagar tu Xiaomi simplemente tocando su pantalla. Noticias Xiaomi A

If you liked this functionality capable of allowing us to activate or turn off the screen of any Xiaomi, Redmi or POCO simply by pressing twice on it , activating it is even easier:

  1. Go to Settings> Lock screen
  2. Once inside, all you have to do is activate the option called « Press twice to activate or turn off the screen «

It should be noted that the functionality of turning off the screen is only functional when we have the default MIUI theme , that is, if we have applied another customization theme, this functionality will not act correctly.

The entry How to activate or turn off your Xiaomi simply by touching its screen was first published in xiaomist: Xiaomi news and news website .


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