The Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Mop P is updated with support for multiple maps

Xiaomi robot vacuum cleaners are increasingly present in our homes. Their great quality / price ratio make them one of the best options on the market, being updated often as has happened now with the Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Mop P.

Also known as Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum 2, it has received a new update for its firmware allowing support for multiple maps. Now you can store up to 10 different maps that we can change at will.

Thanks to this new functionality, the Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Mop P robot vacuum cleaner will allow you to choose between one map or another in order to start various cleaning areas . With this, we will not have to restrict areas, but select one map or another so that the cleaning is carried out in the desired area.

In itself, it is the update 3.5.8_0035 and if you have not received it yet, the steps to follow to force its update are:

  • Go to Mi Home and select the robot vacuum cleaner, in this case the Mi Robot Vacuum Mop P.
  • Then click on the three dots in the upper right area and choose the option "Firmware update".

Recall that we can currently buy the Xiaomi Mi Vacuum Mop P robot vacuum cleaner for about 270 euros from Spain, making it one of the best quality / price robots with laser navigation on the market.

The entry The Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Mop P is updated with support for multiple maps was published first in xiaomist: Xiaomi news and news website .


  1. I try to update the FW bu I got "the current version is the latest. Current version is 3.5.3_0017"
    What should I do!? How can upgrade to version 3.5.8_0035?
    Any ideas, please

    1. It is unfortunately available only in China and India still. But, it is to arrive in Europe by 2022.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Any news about this update?

  4. Same problem here it's telling me it's up to date but it is version 3.5.3_0017

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  6. I have a two-floors house like many people and we need it to have a multi map,at least 2 maps, when I take it to the first floor, from time to time it loses the map of the first floor, and the map of the first floor does not complete it never, When will the update for Argentina be available?


  7. Why am I getting below pattern while using Xioami Vacuum robot mop P

  8. Hi mop p with
    Would you please tell us when exactly new update comes for other countries? Tanx

    1. Hi guys,

      I'd also like to know when the new firmware update will be available in SA?

  9. Any news for the firmware update with multi maps for global version?

  10. Any news for the firmware update with multi maps for global version? ????

    1. NO ¬¬, XIAOMI and the whore that gave birth to you

  11. Hi. Any updates for firmware update for global version ?

  12. Hello any update for the new firmware?

  13. Hi, no fw updates yet in Europe. Any news?

    1. Europe has been forgotten for this special model. Sad :(


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