HTC is working on a foldable smartphone

While HTC has been relatively sidelined with its smartphones recently, the company's CEO expects to make its smartphone division profitable by 2025.

Now a new patent suggests the company may be working on a new foldable smartphone.

HTC had already filed a patent with the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Office) at the end of 2019, which was finally published in August 2020. According to a report by LetsGoDigital, the patent in the WIPO database reveals a smartphone with an outward-folding clamshell design.

faltbares HTC Telefon
foldable HTC phone (Source: LetsGoDigital)

Since the display is on the outside, the screen can cover both the back and the front when folded. This design is in some ways similar to that of the Huawei Mate X and Mate Xs, where the display is also on the outside when folded.

While this may look better, it also means that the flexible display has a higher risk of damage if it is carried around.

Work on the foldable smartphone from HTC still seems to be in the early stages. Therefore, it is not known whether the company is actually working on such a device or whether it is just a patent.


The article HTC is working on a foldable smartphone first appeared on Xiaomist .


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