Xiaomi Mi 10 Ultra: Many images of the model with 120x zoom

Tuesday the new Xiaomi Mi 10 Ultra will be presented . And it will set new records. It is now known that the new Ultra flagship will be equipped with a 120x camera zoom.

The new Xiaomi flagship is said to "shock the world". In any case, it will evoke an aha, because the device is not stingy with superlatives. Xiaomi puts a lot of pressure on the competition, especially Samsung. It is not for nothing that the addition "Ultra" was chosen.

Xiaomi Mi 10 Ultra
Xiaomi Mi 10 Ultra (Source: Xiaomi)

But how does Xiaomi want to shock the competition? After the press photos that have now appeared, it is clear - the zoom should fix it. A 120x zoom awaits us. This trumps Samsung again, which had a 100x space zoom on the Galaxy S20 Ultra.

But we know that thing flopped. a pure marketing stunt, pictures with this magnification were useless. And with Xiaomi, too, this large zoom should be important purely for marketing.

There will probably be 2 model variants of the Xiaomi Mi 10 Ultra. A ceramic version and a version with a transparent back should be planned. The ceramic model is to appear with 8 GB of RAM and 256 GB of memory and 12 GB of RAM and 256 GB of memory, while the transparent model with 12 GB of RAM and 256 GB of memory and with 16 GB of RAM and 512 GB of memory.

In addition, improved liquid cooling with vapor chamber technology, hi-res audio with a "user-defined algorithm", a new fingerprint sensor in the display and an AMOLED display with FullHD + and 120 Hz will be used.

The 4,500 battery should charge with up to 100 or even 120 watts and can be quickly charged wirelessly with 55 watts.

The article Xiaomi Mi 10 Ultra: Many pictures of the model with 120x zoom first appeared on Xiaomist .


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