Xiaomi launches a new clothes dryer: smart and with fast 35-minute mode

Under the name Mijia Internet Heat Pump Dryer , Xiaomi has presented its new clothes clothes dryer, a new model that arrives with a load capacity of up to 10Kg and a quick mode of use of just 35 minutes.

In detail, the new Xiaomi Mijia Internet Heat Pump Dryer has a size of 598x660x850mm and a total weight of 50Kg . Its design takes minimalist lines in white, adding a door in black.

Among its features, the Xiaomi Mijia Internet Heat Pump Dryer has a total capacity of up to 10Kg of clothes . This makes it an ideal clothes dryer for a large family of about 4 members.

Up to 22 drying modes and capable of eliminating 99% of bacteria

New Xiaomi Mijia Internet Heat Pump Dryer clothes dryer with fast and smart mode. Xiaomi  News

Beyond its physical characteristics, this new Xiaomi clothes dryer has a total of 22 drying modes, ranging from the softest for delicate clothes to the most intense, reaching temperatures of up to 150º .

New Xiaomi Mijia Internet Heat Pump Dryer clothes dryer with fast and smart mode. Xiaomi  News New Xiaomi Mijia Internet Heat Pump Dryer clothes dryer with fast and smart mode. Xiaomi  News

In addition, the Xiaomi Mijia Internet Heat Pump Dryer has a fast 35-minute mode capable of eliminating all kinds of bacteria and mites, with a 99% elimination rate .

In addition, this new clothes dryer integrates two modes of water evacuation, that is, through an outlet pipe or through its large removable tank . Likewise, it has an informative front panel and WiFi connection for its management from our smartphone.

Price and availability

The price of the new Xiaomi Mijia Internet Heat Pump Dryer is 3,499 yuan, about 425 euros to change. A rather striking price for a dryer of this type but for the moment it will only be sold in China.

More information : Mi.com

The Xiaomi entry launches a new clothes dryer: smart and with a 35-minute fast mode was first published in XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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