Xiaomi is fully committed to Artificial Intelligence with the incorporation of four new partners

More than a fad, Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT) are the way to the future. An area in which not only Xiaomi is positioned as one of the most important brands, but also one of the most committed to this sector.

And it is that in the last hours, Lei Jun, current CEO and co-founder of Xiaomi, has announced the appointment of four new senior executives who will be in charge of directing and developing new products within the field of artificial intelligence and IoT.

In detail, these new members of the board of partners are none other than Lu Weibing , current Vice President of Xiaomi in addition to CEO of Redmi, Zhang Feng , Chew Shouzi and Wang Xiang , Senior Vice President of Xiaomi.

Xiaomi is fully committed to Artificial Intelligence with the incorporation of four new partners. News Xiaomi

Xiaomi top managers.

In themselves, these four senior positions will be part of the board of directors aimed at Xiaomi's technological advancement in the face of research in areas of Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things. A measure that joins the millionaire investment strategy by Xiaomi for the next few years.

Let's not forget that at the beginning of 2020 Xiaomi made it clear that in the coming years its investment directed to the AI ​​and IoT sector will exceed 50 billion yuan, about 7.2 billion US dollars at the exchange rate. A fairly high figure that together with the new appointment shows how lively Xiaomi is still in this sector.

Via | Gizmochina

The entry Xiaomi is fully committed to Artificial Intelligence with the incorporation of four new partners was published first in XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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