Internet Explorer and the old Edge will be off the ventilator. We know the date

Not a single tear will be shed at this funeral. We already know when we will have to say goodbye to two Microsoft browsers - Internet Explorer 11 and the classic Microsoft Edge.

We could have thought that Microsoft will finally close the above-mentioned applications for a long time, since the chromium-based Edge has reached all users by updating the operating system. Now Microsoft has given official dates , giving users and (more importantly) businesses time to switch to other solutions. Preferably for the new Edge.

The end of Internet Explorer 11 is scheduled for next year.

According to the timeline, Internet Explorer 11 will enjoy the longest support. The main reason for this - as we read in the official statement - is the desire to provide support to businesses that rely largely on applications built on this browser. For this reason, it will be disconnected from support only in one year - August 17, 2021.

Earlier, however, on November 30, 2020, Internet Explorer 11 will no longer be supported by Microsoft Teams.

To facilitate the switch to the new browser for those who have relied on IE11 since 2013, Microsoft allows the new Edge to run in Internet Explorer mode - services and applications designed for the old browser can be opened in a new tab of the new browser.

The classic version of Microsoft Edge will expire in a few months.

Microsoft Edge, which hit consumers for the first time with the launch of Windows 10, was a very bittersweet experience. On the one hand, the browser was safe, perfectly optimized and did not consume too much computer resources. On the other hand, it lacked extensions and many functions that were standard with competitors such as Chrome or Opera.

The new Edge changed everything.

edge update

The Chromium-based browser is not only better than the old Edge in every way, but also better than other browsers on the market in many respects. Super-fast, stable, energy-saving, almost 1: 1 with the same features that made Google Chrome the # 1 browser in the world. I have been using the new Edge myself since the beginning of the year and I can not imagine switching to another web browsing program, especially since Microsoft added key elements - synchronization of history, bookmarks and passwords between devices.

So we can say goodbye to Old Edge without regrets. Microsoft will end its life on March 9, 2021, and already every computer on which the version of Windows 10 2004 is installed has pre-installed not the classic, but a new version of Microsoft's browser.

For the first time in years, Windows' default browser will not be just a Chrome download tool.

Ever since Windows Vista (and for some even longer), the default Windows browser has served most users for one thing only - downloading a competing browser.

For years, we've downloaded Firefox or Opera instead of using the built-in Internet Explorer. Then Microsoft Edge served most of us to type "Chrome download" into the search engine, install the Google browser and forget about the Microsoft solution.

Now there is no such need anymore. Preinstalled on Windows 10 PCs, Microsoft Edge is an absolutely phenomenal browser. A tool so good that I can't find a reason (other than a habit) for which anyone might need to change.

Of course, just pre-installing the new Edge may not be enough for Microsoft to take away Google's browser palm of precedence. Certainly, however, many people who would normally download Chrome and forget about Edge will change their minds when they see how similar to Chrome a Microsoft program is. And that, as a matter of fact, there is no longer any reason to replace it with anything else.

Internet Explorer and the old Edge will be off the ventilator. We know the date


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