How to change the icons of your Xiaomi without installing other third-party applications

With the return of the Themes application to the Global version of MIUI, changing the icons of our Xiaomi is extremely simple . And it is that, from this application developed by Xiaomi, we can install an infinity of themes and make use of their icons for subsequent installation.

In itself, the Themes app allows us to almost completely change the look of the MIUI interface: backgrounds , fonts , icons , lock screen , etc. A really simple way to give a touch of personalization to our Xiaomi without complicating ourselves with third-party applications.

Best of all, these themes allow us to use their icons independently , being the safest and best way to customize them to our liking. As it is a native MIUI application, its operation will be really safe and smooth.

How to change the icons of our Xiaomi without installing third-party applications

To change the icons of our Xiaomi we will only have to access the Themes application. Once inside, we can choose from a wide variety of personalized themes to make use of their icons .

How to change the icons of your Xiaomi without installing other additional applications. news Xiaomi

Apply only the icons of a particular theme.

After downloading a particular theme, we don't have to apply it directly if we don't like the rest of its interface . With just downloading it we can choose its icons to establish them as the main ones of our Xiaomi. To do this we will do the following:

  1. Once we have downloaded the theme whose icons we like, we will go to the lower right icon of «Profile».
  2. Then we will go to Icons and choose those corresponding to the topic that we have downloaded previously.

In this way we can install an infinity of icons through the Xiaomi Themes application already installed on our device. And remember, to make use of the icons you don't have to install the entire theme, just its icons as we have explained.

The entry How to change the icons of your Xiaomi without installing other third-party applications was first published in XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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