Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter 1S and Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2: two electric scooters with certain improvements

In addition to the Xiaomi Mi Band 5 Global and other products such as the Xiaomi Mi TV Stick , Xiaomi has presented its new Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter 1S and Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2 internationally . Two electric scooters that evolve, yes, but not as much as we could expect.

The Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter 1S is presented as a renewed scooter capable of reaching a maximum speed of 20Km / h along with a range of up to 30Km . Furthermore, unlike the first version, this variant adds an improved LED display .

Its powerful 300W motor is capable of climbing slopes of up to 14% . It has a total weight of 12.5 grams and improves in certain aspects such as its braking or lighting system.

Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter 1S and Mi Electric Scooter 2 Pro: two electric scooters with certain improvements. Xiaomi  News

For its part, the Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2 has a 474Wh battery capable of offering an autonomy close to 45Km even with use on slopes of up to 20º . In addition, among its most striking features we find a double brake disc system.

Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter 1S and Mi Electric Scooter 2 Pro: two electric scooters with certain improvements. Xiaomi  News

The weight of the latter is 14.2Kg , it is capable of reaching a maximum speed of 25Km / h and it has various driving modes, improving its autonomy or instead, providing greater potential.

Price and availability

The price of the new Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter 1S is 399 euros , while the Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2 happens to be 499 euros . At the moment its sale date has not been specified, although at these prices it is likely that the previous versions will continue to be sold as churros.

The entry Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter 1S and Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2: two electric scooters with certain improvements was first published in XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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