How to remove the watermark from a photo already taken from a Xiaomi

Among the many options that MIUI offers us we find the possibility of adding watermarks to our photographs . A functionality available in practically all Xiaomi that unfortunately is not reversible.

Once we take a photograph with an active watermark, we cannot delete it automatically . For this we will have to edit it manually, also using some third-party software as we will explain below.

What MIUI allows us to do is disable this option, allowing us not only to prevent each new photograph from containing this brand, but also to modify it in a personalized way to our liking.

How to remove the watermark from a photograph taken on a Xiaomi

To remove the watermark from a photograph we must use an image editor . In this case we will use Google's Snapseed application that we can find and install directly from Google Play itself.

Remove MIUI camera watermark from Xiaomi. Xiaomi  News

Once downloaded, we will only have to carry out the following process in order to remove the watermark from a photograph:

  1. Go to Snapseed and open the image to which we want to remove the watermark.
  2. Then go to Tools> Stain remover
  3. After selecting the tool, we will "paint" the area of ​​the image where the watermark is located.

After that, by means of artificial intelligent techniques, Snapseed will be able to fill the area of ​​the watermark with the same colors and textures that encompass the surroundings of said area. Finally, it will be enough to export it and save it in our gallery.

How to disable or customize MIUI camera watermark

To deactivate this option that automatically adds the watermark to each new photograph, we only have to perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Camera> Settings> Watermark

From this option of the MIUI camera present in practically any Xiaomi, we can not only deactivate the watermark but also modify and customize it to our liking , also including not only text but also any emoticon.

Without a doubt, an extremely useful functionality that will allow us to "rescue" photographs that we have taken by mistake with the characteristic watermark.

The entry How to remove the watermark from a photograph already taken from a Xiaomi was first published in XIAOMIADICTOS: Xiaomi news and news website .


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  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Just use the Snapseed app to edit your photos.


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