Samsung sold the most 5G smartphones in the first quarter of 2020

As more and more smartphones are equipped with the new 5G technology, sales of 5G-capable smartphones are slowly increasing. Now, a report shows that Samsung sold the most 5G-enabled phones in the first quarter of 2020.

According to a study by the Korea Herald , Samsung has sold the most 5G smartphones. According to the report, the South Korean manufacturer has sold more 5G-enabled phones worldwide than its competitors.

Samsung shipped around 8.3 million 5G-enabled phones worldwide in the first quarter of the year, 34.4 percent of the 5G smartphone market share. Chinese manufacturers such as Huawei, OPPO, Vivo and Xiaomi could not contest Samsung's first place in this statistic.

Huawei took second place, delivering 8 million 5G smartphones and achieving a market share of 33.2 percent. Vivo achieved 12 percent of the global market for 5G phones, followed by Xiaomi with 10.4 percent.

Global 5G-Smartphone Sales Q1/2020 Tops-List
Sales of 5G smartphones worldwide in Q1 2020 (source: The Korea Herald)

In total, 24.1 million 5G-capable smartphones were delivered worldwide in the first quarter of the year. However, the technology is available in more and more countries, so the numbers will continue to grow.

In addition, it is expected that increasingly cheaper versions of 5G smartphones will appear over the course of the year, which will further increase sales. The 5G iPhone is also expected, which should come on the market sometime in autumn 2020.

The post Samsung sold the most 5G smartphones in the first quarter of 2020 first appeared on Xiaomist .


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